
"This book is a compilation of personal life experiences as well as deeply researched scientific material - put together in a lively manner. Declutter has a new dimensional meaning as Connie intertwined the seemingly irrelevant aspects of one’s life into a logical energy-draining cluster. Humor and lightness makes the read so easy and enjoyable… You may open the book at any page - from the first chapter or the last, to grasp the gist or dive deeper. Decluttering is one of the main concepts of the Yoga philosophy - samsara’s are the patterns one acquires through the process of growing up. These patterns clutter the mind…"
~ Elena Haykin, Yoga Teacher
"Never would I have thought that reading a book about decluttering could be fun. However, Connie magically makes it so. No judgments, no hard fast rules. Just honest, self-pacing advice that puts a smile on my face every time I turn a page. Heartfelt, kind, sensitive, practical and useful are the written words on each page. It really makes you think about just how powerful you can be - if you allow yourself to be! Thank you Connie for shedding light and love on more than just how to declutter your personal space but also for being a wonderful guide in helping the reader achieve so much more!"
~ Nancy Griffin, Realtor
"I love Connie's 'whole person' approach to decluttering. It is impossible for us to do better than our thinking will allow. So often people attempt to declutter by using willpower and muscling through it. This approach seldom works and even when it does, it is usually not sustainable, because, the physical clutter is a side effect of the mental and emotional clutter. Connie's book helps people to address clutter on all levels, which greatly increases the odds for success and positive change."
~ Jonathan Manske, author of The Law of Attraction Made Simple
"Exhilaration is waiting for us, and Clear the Space, Feel the Rush is the concise road map to get us there sooner rather than later! The author wisely segmented this delightful book between decluttering the mind, body, and stuff so the reader can immediately address what is individually most pressing. Reading this insightful and informative book blossomed into the real life changes I have longed to realize!"
~ Ronda Steinke-McDonald, Author of What the Soul Wants for Christmas, Open Yourself to Fresh Celebrations of the Holidays…and Life
"Joyfully written, easy to read, the light-hearted encouragement and the abundance of techniques makes "Feeling the Rush" an attainable goal for anyone. The footnotes and references allow the reader to delve deeper into specific techniques for decluttering the mind and body (Especially for the mind, which I loved!...And I'll look into further.)"
~ Robbie Zephirin, Retired Civil Engineer
"This is a super relatable book with humor and real-life stories. I was either laughing or saying to myself “ah-Haa”! Several times I saw familiar advice, but with additional information the book provided, it became that much more usable. I realized "The Rush," is the big deal in all this, and that making the effort to go ahead and achieve things I've been procrastinating on gives, not only the immediate feeling of satisfaction, but also improves my health through the rush (endorphins)!"
~ Kelly Reifsnider, Pilates Instructor
"This book has a wealth of information! The bonus tip near the end is the best idea in the whole book, and something I've never heard before!"
~ Michelle Dashnaw, Owner, Personal Home Assistance Company
"As a two-time cancer survivor, what resonated with me strongly in this book is that it's okay to ask for help. Sometimes we forget, and it's impactful when we get 'permission' to go ahead and ask for help - either friends who pitch in with a fresh perspective, or paying a professional. This book is super relatable and fun to read. The author is a unique character and her approach to decluttering is thorough and refreshing! I highly recommend this book to both organizing/decluttering fanatics, as well as newbies who just need that one nugget or impetus to get started and keep going!"
~ Angela Schnaubelt, Marketing Strategist for Alternative Health Care Practitioners
"I really liked the humorous aspects [in Clear the Space, Feel the Rush]. I’ve been a travel nurse for 3 months and the book made me think about all the stuff I have at home that I really didn’t need. It should help a lot of people realize they’re not alone in this cluttered world. You will feel like there's more space around you to breathe in the air!"
~ Roxanne Rodriguez, RN
"Connie Ellefson's delightfully quirky, good-natured book made me want to sort, purge, and organize with a smile on my face. This book is refreshingly non-judgmental, and is filled with space-clearing tips. Do it! You'll feel the rush!"
~ Victoria Feldstein
"I know Connie Ellefson professionally and whether you need or want to remove some baggage from your life, this book will help you enjoy the process. She wants you to find the real you with healthy strategies. The book has an element of fun as you get down to business."
~ Sheldon Harding CPA
"The book [Clear the Space, Feel the Rush] feels like it's alive! It has power and life in the words. And, I really like it; it's a tremendous book! Everybody should have at least one..."
~ Larry Quell, DC
"I appreciate the opportunity to learn even more about myself through Connie Ellefson's work. She is an exceptionally engaging author; the stories and examples invite page-turns. My favorite quote from the book is: 'Stagnant stuff drags us down to an almost unbelievable degree, which only becomes evident when it's cleared out.' THAT provides a confirmation - all will be well - need proof? - just do it and you'll see. Even the most skeptical has to admit it. I can tell this book took a lot of work, yet its word-flow makes one feel it was something very easy. Perhaps that's a message in itself too...decluttering CAN be easy, or at least, easier than we may think. I enjoyed this book and got a Lot out of it for my self. As I read it I could see a means to be set free from the many facets and entanglements of stuff, both literal and figurative. The mind is a cluttered mess we spend a lifetime defending, excusing and frankly ignoring. It’s a lot easier coasting along rather than trying to fix the darn thing, so we keep coasting our lives away."
~ Joyce Leake (Animal communicator and horse trainer)
"I highly recommend it. It will give you a new freedom in your life. Plus it is an easy read and very fun to read. Good information and a reminder to clear the clutter in and around your life. Buy it you will enjoy your life more!"
~ Blase deRoco, Mortgage Broker
"When I’m unpacking and arranging alone, I get distracted, discouraged, can’t make up my mind, and feel like I will never be able to move around and enjoy my new home. When Connie helps, we make progress, and actually make a difference that shows, in a few hours. It’s a fun and a positive modeling experience."
~ M. Kelleher
"As a wife, schoolteacher, and mother of grade-school-age twins, I have a lot of distractions. Connie helped me stay focused on our task of organizing the garage. The space works so much better for us now. My husband is really happy with it!"
~ N.H., Aurora, Colorado
"Connie has been working with me for months now. I had a very chaotic, full basement with memorabilia from parents, in-laws, and my deceased husband, as well as remnants of 20 years of college teaching. Add to this my being a clothes-hound keeping about 5 sizes of treasure clothes. Connie systematically and patiently kept me on task. She let me decide what to toss and every once in a while would encourage me to let go of something with her gentle logic. Connie took so many things to various recycle or nonprofit places on her own. She organized beautifully, cleaned and carried trash out so quietly I almost missed her work. We are still working together and I look forward to our times together. I appreciate our enjoyable talks about lots of things and her consistent guidance in helping me cleanse my life."
~ Susan B., Greeley